Mar 8, 2017
Ease Arthritis Pain through Meditation
Amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is so important (and often ignored) to take a moment to ourselves where we can stop, breathe, gather our thoughts, focus, and just be still. It seems that as our schedules get busier and our stresses grow stronger, we forget the importance of taking time to take care of ourselves. Often the idea of self-health, meditation, or even just the simple act of pressing pause on our daily grind can be such a foreign concept. That’s why Carolina Arthritis is here to give you some simple methods that will improve your overall health, while simultaneously relieving the pain caused by arthritis. And don’t worry… it won’t take up too much of your time!
What is Meditation?
Before you stop reading, claiming that “meditation” is definitely not your thing – hang tight! You don’t have to purchase all the essential oils, hang up peace signs, or place your prayer hands at your heart’s center to participate in the act of meditation. Essentially, the practice of meditation is carving out time in your hectic day to pause, reflect, and relax. It’s the process of connecting your mind with your body, and allowing the two to be a helpmate for each other. By being mindful of the pain associated with arthritis, you can begin to apply relaxation techniques that can make the symptoms feel less debilitating to your life.
Where do I Meditate?
It’s not necessary to mirror the epic “Eat, Pray, Love” expedition in order have a meditation experience! You can practice this process in the comfort of your living room, in your car as you drive to work, or in your kitchen while you get dinner ready. It can be done in groups or on your own. As long as you are in a place where you can truly block out the noise and chaos around you and focus on yourself, then you’re in the right place!
How do I Meditate?
There are plenty of ways to participate in mindfulness or meditation. The most common is to practice deep-breathing exercises to enhance your relaxation. Take a few minutes to breath in deeply for five seconds and then breathe out. It is proven that the simple practice of breathing can significantly reduce stress. It’s that simple!
Another form of meditation is to pursue the physical act of yoga. This can be done by attending a local studio’s class or even through practicing the movements in your own home. The continual flow of stretching and movements done during yoga are effective in eliminating the physical tightness and tension within your body, all while releasing the tension in your mind.
Another form of mediating is going for a walk outside. The endorphins brought on by the sun’s vitamin D can automatically trigger joy and ease of mind. Take a walk outside, smell the roses, and truly unwind! In addition to these methods, there are plenty of other options for building tranquility into your day.
Try not to let preconceived notions of mediation stop you from engaging in a beautiful act which can relieve the pain and inflammation brought on by arthritis. Focusing on self care can have powerful impacts on the stresses of your condition, as well as the stresses of living your busy everyday life! For more tips on improving your health, inside and out, please contact or visit our physicians at Carolina Arthritis. Let’s live well together!