Jul 5, 2019
Six Tips to Slow Down your Busy Life with Arthritis
Constantly managing an overloaded calendar and saying yes without allowing time for a break can be crippling for arthritis patients. For many people with arthritis, it’s hard to let your disease take control, so many patients overcompensate with packed schedules and too many commitments. However, this kind of behavior can take a physical, mental, and emotional toll on arthritis patients that may be hard to recover from. It is essential to have realistic goals for your life, and here’s how. Keep reading for six tips to slow down your busy life with arthritis.
Don’t multi-task.
Studies have shown that not only does multitasking not work, it can also intensify stress. Instead of worrying yourself and attempting to juggle multiple tasks, focus one thing at a time and then move on to the next item on your list once your task at hand is complete.
Stop being late.
When you have arthritis, it’s important to remember that pain and stiff joints may slow you down. Reduce stress and ease unnecessary activity by giving every day a positive head start. Wake up early to give yourself plenty of time to drink your coffee, eat, get dressed and head out. Leave the house earlier to reduce that stressful morning rush and undo the anxiety that rushing causes. To help with this, start prepping for the next day by getting ready the night before. Shower, lay out your clothes, and pack your lunch the night before. Make sure you have your coffee ready to go, your phone fully charged, and there is plenty of gas in your vehicle to set your day up for success.
Just say no.
Saying no should be easy right? Unfortunately it’s not easy for everyone, but it is imperative that arthritis sufferers learn how and do so effectively. It’s important that you just say it firmly without weak excuses. Be assertive yet courteous and be sure to set boundaries when doing so. While it seems like saying no may not be that beneficial, remember that saying no to someone’s small favor can allow you at least 30 minutes for a brisk walk or some time alone with a good book.
Amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is crucial to take a moment to ourselves where we can stop, breathe, gather our thoughts, focus, and just be still. It seems that as our schedules get busier and our stresses grow stronger, we forget the importance of caring for ourselves. Breathing can reduce anxiety, stress, and blood pressure. Make sure that you’re breathing properly by doing so in a way that is optimal for your body.
Take a break from the screen.
Cell phones, laptops and iPods are constantly competing for our attention and they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. These gadgets often help us be productive, but they can also be an unhealthy distraction. Set aside some time every day for screen time then focus on putting the technology down. Use that time instead to refresh your body and mind with some self-care.
Have a good support system.
Having a strong support system of family, friends, and doctors will be a huge help in slowing down your busy life. Quality friends will offer help when you need it and expect nothing in return. They will understand when you say no and force you to slow down and breathe when you need to. And don’t forget, one of the best support systems you can have in your corner is your rheumatology team. Support and education provided by your arthritis doctor is always your best resource.
Our busy schedules don’t allow time for slowing down or taking care of ourselves so we continue to push ourselves until our bodies say no more. Arthritis sufferers have to change this mindset and make self-care a priority. While at first it might seem selfish or uncomfortable, eventually your body and mind will thank you. If you need some advice on slowing down and self-care, be sure to call Carolina Arthritis today!