Practice Policies
Welcome to Carolina Arthritis Associates
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As a courtesy, the office does provide an appointment reminder call. Should you find it necessary to reschedule or cancel your appointment, it is very important to call the office 24 hours prior to your appointment; otherwise, a charge may be assessed ($25 for Established Patients/ $100 for New Patients) or dismissal from the practice may occur. Always bring your insurance card(s) and copay/coinsurance each time you come to the office.
Laboratory and X-Ray
Tests may be performed in our office as part of your visit. We utilize LabCorp for many of your tests. Please advise us if LabCorp is not on your insurance company’s approved list.
Physicians are seen by appointment only. If you are experiencing problems with pain associated with the disease your physician is treating, or medication(s) that your physician is prescribing, please call the office during our office hours as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. Of course, based on your circumstances and insurance policies, you may also consider contacting your Primary Care Physician, utilizing an Urgent Care, or proceeding to an Emergency Room.
Insurance Coverage
Any time your insurance coverage or company is changing, or you are considering changing your insurance company, including Medicare, please discuss this with the front office personnel as soon as possible. Your Physician /Physician Assistant is not contracted with all insurance companies; We want you to be able to continue to see your physician at Carolina Arthritis.
If Carolina Arthritis Associates is not contracted with your insurance, we will collect the cost of your office visit and any other charges associated with your visit at check in; then, if you wish, we can then file your insurance and have it to reimburse you.
Prescription Refills
Prescription refills should be called to your pharmacy if possible. Please allow us 24 – 48 hours for medication refills.
Trauma Treatment
Carolina Arthritis Associates’ does not treat trauma related pain and problems. Therefore, if you have had an accident of any type, especially an employment related accident or a motor vehicle accident, you should seek treatment from your Primary Care Physician or Orthopedist.